Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Paper trail

As I spend the day barreling through the massive amounts of crap I have stored in my closets, cabinets and drawers (kind of part of my new years resolution), I am confounded, dumbfounded and awestruck by how much I have that I simply don't need or even recall obtaining.
It's easier then I anticipated, this lightening of the load round here.  There's one thing I still feel perplexed by, that is... paper.
I look at the exploding file cabinets and multiple storage boxes chock full of paper from the past two plus years and wonder how it piled so high and deep.  How much time will it take to sort through and to determine what in fact is needed and what in fact is not?  If I haven't looked at it in two years, wouldn't that make you think it's simply uncalled for?   How many scribbled on pieces of construction paper do I have to memorialize to prove that I love my kids?   Funny thing is, when it comes to paper, I give the stuff way too much authority.  Print it on a sheet and trust me, I'll think twice, maybe three times before discarding it.
So yea, I'm happily making rapid headway in my house and giant garage when it comes to clearing out the excess, but the next big job, once this task is complete is a far more daunting one.
Something as light as a feather - one sliver of paper, will take far more time to be rid of, then a closet full of rarely worn winter coats and rectangle boxes filled with incomplete board games.
I'm afraid that if I began walking across the world, dropping a breadcrumb/paper-trail behind me, I'd always be able to find my way home again, even if I circle the planet twice.

If you want to find me, follow the paper trail, oh and please bring a shredder.

1 comment:

  1. And to add to my bulging paper trail, I got not two or three, not four or five, but SIX Victoria's Secret catalogs in the mail today.
    What am I, like the only person buying good underpants?
