Tuesday, February 28, 2012

that which does not kill you makes you stronger... perhaps

Sometimes in the throws of feverishness,
somewhere close in your delusional state, clarity and the simplicity of things surface. The need for beating your head against a wall comes to a subtle halt.
Sometimes it becomes clear as day during the boggy, heaving, breath shortening coughing jag.  Sometimes a solution surfaces through the thick sediment that clogs your lungs and slows your oxygen exchange.
Sometimes the answer you are looking for in someone else is actually lodged in your own throat. Maybe this is why your someone else will not say what you want to hear, will not step up and take the place you hold for them, because in fact what you believe you need is not found in this other, but is actually waiting inside of yourself.  Maybe it's ready to come up and out if you only suffer the reality and cough through the painful expulsion of festering dreams that lead you so appealing astray.
Sometimes it takes a suffocating, nauseating episode for you to recognize that what you have needed and wanted all along lies in wait within and not without.
Maybe the love you seek and the love you want to give isn't intended to come and go to and from one source, but perhaps there is a grander plan.  Perhaps the source of love is something you must generate and maybe there is an entire audience, not a single partner, who this love you feel the desire to press out is meant to go toward. 
With the gooseflesh and the chills, the sweats and the twists and rolls inside your belly, you feel not only unwell, but stripped bare, for the first time in a while.  
Maybe you don't need "love-love" and maybe you don't have to pawn it off on someone who seems reluctant to have it.
Maybe you can find a better way.  Maybe you are wrong to say your prayers for this one thing and maybe it's better to let go of that and grab hold of this instead....  Do what you love and the love will follow; heaps and heaps, bunches and bunches.  Rest assured that there will be more then enough to go around and around, circling your heart again and again, holding tight to what you've held dear.

Why cling to someone who isn't clinging back?
Embrace yourself and your gifts and then give them to many and open yourself to a bigger love.
Screw the fever reducer, no more cough syrup, no more suppressants.  
Let it go, feel unwell and recover with knowledge of something that hurts but in time will go away, like a bad cold and an unanswered prayer, an untrue dream, an unrequited affection.
Accept the clarity of a raised temperature and let the exposure you endure expose you not only to germs but to the harsh reality of life.  
Cough it up, let it out.
Clear yourself, clear your throat, clear your head and clear your path.
Desire more, give more, open to more. 

Cross over 

Monday, February 27, 2012

my love/hate relationship with today

If I had done the things I intended to do today, I might have missed the three minutes of snow that followed the hail, which followed the rain, which followed the clouds that hung low and ominously over my house and the hills around me since morning... and that would have been a bigger shame then the fact that I've accomplished absolutely nothing today.

Unless of course you count standing still at the opened door with a mug of hot tea in hand staring into pouring rain, feeling the snap of cold hit my face, hoping it would wake me up a bit from my lull and then being caught off guard by the weather gift and blindly dazzled by the extreme rarity of rain changing into snow, before my very eyes, in Southern California as "something"... and I suppose I do.

Much as I love things about today, safe to say, I'm running late for my life...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I'll take you there...

I know a place...  ain't nobody crying

Un-cola even, but never, ever Unappreciated.

Looking back I realize that there were two options, two possible solutions; someplace large enough or someplace small enough.  
I was young when my parents split.  My father needed a home where he could take my brothers, sisters and I.   He found a spot so little yet extraordinary, it made impossibly perfect sense.  
In the very fairy-tale, little, log cabin we were on top of one another and there was no better way to be.
Last house on the lane, closest to the Appalachian Trail, easy access to the endless woods, room to run, ride, shoot, hike, play and nothing in our way - our days of exhausting action.   "Just add water"... 
                                           boats, rods, sails and rope swings,
                                          coats, skates, snow mobiles and frozen things 

It was meant to be shared, in a too good to be true sort of way... and so it was.
...And so shall the memory of it all be.
Last night I heard the music of my Dad's Cabin.  2012, sushi in California, but the songs of the seventies were there and so was I and how remarkable that you are too... and so it is.   Today we said, "it is what it is" and I'm thinking thats rather true and that it all makes impossibly perfect sense, in a too good to be true sort of way.  
I knew there was something magical about that place.  

I'll take you there...
greenwood lake


Friday, February 10, 2012

I dreamt of this place

What would I miss the most?  
What about it?
The drive?
The sounds?
The air?
The light?
The sky?
The dark?
The space, the place, the view?

I will miss the drive, long and treacherous suddenly seems picturesque and precious.  I'll absolutely miss the sound or lack there of and the air, how different it physically feels when I breath deeply here, how my lungs come alive.  The light that slides down the hillside; indirect, obtuse, soft and filled with spectacles dazzling in each shaft.  I'll miss the sky, these stars shining because there simply is no other source of brightness.  The moon will follow wherever I go, but the stars will never look the same as they do from here.  I'll miss the dark which arrives too early for me most days, shaded on the side of the mountain as I am.  I will long for the space, this place, my view.
I have no idea where I want to live, but I've loved living here like I have never loved anyplace before it... and I've loved terribly everywhere I've been.  I suspect I'll appreciate the next place as much, maybe more.
Robert Frost tells us that "Nothing gold can stay".  But what I ask is, "How about silver?"  Can nothing Silver(ado) stay?  I suppose not, but I can't tell you how I've loved these days.  

This was my silver cup.

Onto the next...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

the flavor of my friendships...

Last night, I said my prayers.
I kissed girl goodnight.
I kissed boy goodnight.
I kissed boy again.
I kissed girl, tickled girl, tucked girl in and then I kissed her again.
I got in bed with boy and 13 sharks, 3 dogs, 2 angry birds, 1 black mamba snake and wrapped my arms around his skinny, little body.
This sends me right into lala land on any normal night.

Guess what?  
Not a normal night.
There was an absence of something in the house.

In the kitchen I let the refrigerator stand open a long while.  
It's light illuminated the entire room.  
A moth flew inside.
I closed the door.  Nothing in there, not even the moth, could buoy my spirits.
In the past few hours many of my friends had left me, left my house.   Not gone forever, but it felt that way.

The freezer light is more powerful.  
Chocolate Chip Mint.

Ice cream is so much better eaten from the container.
Over the sink, one large spoonful, gingerly clings to the silverware.  
If I lick it just right, it'll stay put.  
Too much pressure on any part will cause it to melt down the side and slide right off the spoon and into the waiting sink.

I closed the freezer, let the dark fill the room, licked my spoon clean.

Feeling better, but not quite right still.

Up on the balcony of my bedroom, I can hear the creek and sometimes right before sleep, I like to stand there a while and do just that.  
Rain clouds blocked the moon, but for a few moments they cleared away and out she came, soft, glowing, cool and alive, lighting the world, turning the canyon all silvery.

As I lay in my bed watching the moon over the mountains, I thought of friends and ice cream; the flavors they bring to my existence...
I have an entire pallor of flavors in my life, lucky, lucky me, but most recently I've enjoyed; Cookies and Cream - Laura, Mint Chocolate Chip - Lisa, New York Super Fudge Chunk with a cherry on top - Christina,  Vanilla (pure, strong vanilla)  with hot fudge and whipped cream -  Rebecca (plus Jerod and Co.),  Then there is the Organic Dark Chocolate with Peanut Butter - B.

Your love is better then ice cream.