Friday, February 10, 2012

I dreamt of this place

What would I miss the most?  
What about it?
The drive?
The sounds?
The air?
The light?
The sky?
The dark?
The space, the place, the view?

I will miss the drive, long and treacherous suddenly seems picturesque and precious.  I'll absolutely miss the sound or lack there of and the air, how different it physically feels when I breath deeply here, how my lungs come alive.  The light that slides down the hillside; indirect, obtuse, soft and filled with spectacles dazzling in each shaft.  I'll miss the sky, these stars shining because there simply is no other source of brightness.  The moon will follow wherever I go, but the stars will never look the same as they do from here.  I'll miss the dark which arrives too early for me most days, shaded on the side of the mountain as I am.  I will long for the space, this place, my view.
I have no idea where I want to live, but I've loved living here like I have never loved anyplace before it... and I've loved terribly everywhere I've been.  I suspect I'll appreciate the next place as much, maybe more.
Robert Frost tells us that "Nothing gold can stay".  But what I ask is, "How about silver?"  Can nothing Silver(ado) stay?  I suppose not, but I can't tell you how I've loved these days.  

This was my silver cup.

Onto the next...

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