Sunday, March 11, 2012

collision courses

Why do I write?         


Because thoughts and feelings collide within me and seem to need an outlet and so I write in effort to set them straight and set them down and set them free.
I listened yesterday to incredibly successful literary women speak about writing and I felt in some ways like one of them and in many ways I felt rather far beneath them.  One posed and answered the question of why we write.   It got me thinking, why do I write?  What makes me think I can, when actually I'm pretty sure I can't?  Yet I do... and somehow I know I shouldn't, but that doesn't stop me from doing it... and so why do I?
I write...
Because I'm being kind to my rarely idle mind?
In effort to feel understood?
I seem to need to.
Part of me thinks I can.
Because I might not be able to.
Because I'm curious?
Because I'm lonely.
I actually enjoy typing.
Because I'm happy.
So I can breath.

I write so I don't have to speak, because when I speak, I rarely say what I meant and almost never exactly what I felt, but when I write, it tends to come out more accurately, most of the time anyhow.

I write so I won't eat junk food.
Because I've become numb to television.
I like to share.
Because I can't sit still.
It saves me from having conversations.
Because I think I might die if I don't.
Because I feel like I'm alive when I do.
So someone will notice me.
To keep people from seeing me.
To open myself.
To expose myself.
To embarrass myself.
Because I'm unemployed.
To kill time.
To save myself.
To show I care.
Because I don't really care much what anyone thinks of me.
Because I feel so much love.
I need a release.
Because I'm an artist.
Because I'm afraid that I'm not remotely artistic.
To show my confidence.
Because I'm insecure.
To give a voice to my feelings.
So that I don't need to voice my opinions.
Because I'm a little lost and this feels like a map of me.
Because I don't know why, but I do know that I am most myself when I write and even more so  afterwards, when I read what I actually produced... and then, somehow, I can finally see me.  It's like looking at a photograph of yourself experiencing something that you can't quite remember doing but when seeing the photo, you realize what exactly you did and why and how... and then you know a little bit more about who you are.
So I guess I write in effort to find myself.

Why do I read?  Why do I listen to music?
Uht oh.  
Because I feel like I'm alive when I do.
Because I feel like I'll die if I don't.
Because I'm unemployed.
Because I'm numb to television.
I like to share.
I'm curious.
To kill time.
To open myself.
Because I'm lonely.
I need a release.
To show I care....
Because my mind, my soul, my entire being very much want to collide with the thoughts, feelings, experiences and imagination of others.
Because I feel so much love.
So I can b r e a t h .
S o  I  w o n ' t   e a t  j u n k   f  o  o  d  .   .   .

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