Monday, September 30, 2013

the cake nazi

If I could take it back, I would.

It's funny, the thing that might make me a good parent, is also currently the thing that's making me feel like a bad one.
He bit her.   
It's inexcusable.
I know...
and so I said, out loud, in front of others, "You don't get a Birthday party!"
and at the time I meant it and at the time it felt like punishment befitting a hideous crime.
A tame boy, biting his older sister at a hotel, on vacation with a group of friends is a pretty awful thing.
Now, months later, closer to the actual Birthday birth date, it feels like a crime to not throw a party for a boy who'll turn ten just this one time in his one and only wild and precious life.

Because I love him, I have to teach him how to behave.
Because I love him I want to shower him with gifts and attention and celebrate the day he was born.
Because I love her I have to protect her from biting brothers.
Because I love them both, I have to follow through and be "of my word".
Son of a...
I guess it's, "No cake for you"...

Love stinks.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Accidental Amazingness

I picked him up, just like always and just like always, I felt a happiness roll up inside of me just seeing him.

"Today at school", he said.

I prepared myself for an ordinary tale of things that happen on a routine basis to my 9 year old boy.
for example;
*I got a paper-cut
*The teacher told us...
*My side hurt while running in P.E.
*Somebody passed gas.

But not this...

"Today at school" he said,  "I accidentally saw heaven".

He'd been out on the playground gazing up at the sky.   He described to me the clouds; big and beautiful, a little dark, stacked one behind the other.   Then, some of these clouds he watched separated so that he, quite by accident, 
glimpsed heaven. 
"Its orange Mom", said with a secretive certainty one might imply as they shared a simple truth about what was taken in, like they'd unintentionally had a look up some girl's skirt as she climbed the jungle gym.   No doubt what was seen.   

"Isn't that great?" he stated more then asked.

"It is great", I replied.
"I can think of nothing better then seeing heaven, especially not on purpose".

and I see heaven too...
Every time I look at you.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

blackberries in the house...

One - 
Blackberries appear, navy blue and plump, begging to be picked and eaten all along the trail to the lake
Two -
Girl likes school
Three -
He loves me
Four -
He loves me not...
Five - 
He loves me

I woke alone and drove up early today.  I sped on the freeways, navigated the winding side roads I've come to know and love.  I stopped at the bakery and expertly ordered the things I find most spectacular; carrot and blueberry muffins, apple pie burritos, cinnamon crisps.  I got to the house, opened the windows - I literally, just like in the story, The Night Before Christmas, in anticipation of Santa, "Opened the windows and threw up the sash..."   Excited about the arrival of my father to the lake house I bought almost a year ago in the mountains.    He's never been here yet and for good reason.   He's not been well and it's a hard drive and can be an inhospitable landscape for anyone under the  
weather.   But today he's coming.  
Count blessings once again...

He came.
We ate.
We spoke about and thought of the ones we love who exist far away from us.   We mentally brought them here,
We walked to the water.
We took a photograph to remind us.
We laughed, reminisced about lakes before this one and times gone by. 
We walked some more.
I effortlessly recounted my blessings as he left before darkness fell.

1) My daughter seems to be okay in school and thats huge...
2) My son is just the same as ever, but even better if possible; perfectly adorable, despite life...
3) We three found a home that we like and we moved into it...
4) My Dad survived cancer treatment and is doing well...
5) I am a decent juggler, doing okay with the hand life dealt me
6) I survived Crossfit this week, despite being lazy in regard to it all summer and I love it more then ever...
7) I have friends and family I cherish and admire far more then I can express...
8) My father was here and he loves me and I love him right back...
9) The sun is setting on the beautiful blue lake...

Ten is a toughie, because I feel this odd sense of emptiness or something along those lines.
Ten is - I don't have a designated "boyfriend".   (wtf)
Ten is pathetic.
Ten is a piece of  _rap.
Ten is a mistake
Ten is possibly a blessing in disguise.
Ten is maybe simply this... I cannot touch or feel the man who loves me, but there are several men who love me despite my best efforts; like my brothers and one or two who will not be present no matter what I offer up and then there is my father who loves me absolutely and so maybe I need to look to Our Father Who Art... you know where... who gives me this day and my daily carrot muffin...

How about this for TEN -
It's blackberry time at the lake.

And how about a bonus, how about an added number like... ELEVEN - everything is possible...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

go on and grow...

The wisest folks of all seem to tell us that most people are fearful when it comes to change.
I can see that.   I can see that in almost everyone I know, even the biggest, strongest, smartest. 
Now that's scary.
I'm afraid to say, that I am not - I am not afraid of change. 
Not me.
I embrace it.  I cause it.  I look for it.  I wait patiently and also impatiently for it.  
I need it really. 
I may in fact be a little addicted to it and I've been wondering 
how come.
Why do I constantly need to have change or progress or alteration?   
Was I always this way?
Yes, I was, I realize, which leads me to this...
What on earth will I do when things are as they should be and change no more?

Of course things will always change, but I won't be able to keep up the pace of progression I've induced for the past decade and especially the past eighteen months or so.  So... then what?

Recently in a strange turn of events, my big, bad and I do mean bad dog, well he took a bite out of me. 
Yup he did.  
I know.   What a sh_thead.
You know what I did?
I changed him, am changing him currently actually.
I sent him away to be reconditioned by some hopefully highly capable dog whisperer.
He should come home quite tame, fundamentally altered.   
Fingers crossed.

Here in my new home, settling in, I can feel myself slow down intentionally in the work that I've planned to do, in the things I am determined to change.   Why?   Because once it's done, well,
 then what?

Maybe I am fearful of sameness, stagnation. 
Maybe I'm afraid of completion.
I think I know why and the answer does in all honesty concern me, which is a softer way of saying it frightens me.
When I finally run out of things to change, I will in fact be left with the task of changing nothing other then myself.

And when I do, I will have a different answer to my own question, "Was I always this way?"
Not me.

 go grow yourself