Tuesday nearly 7:30 pm feels benign...
Me, I'm a lioness in a cage.
Bond - Mom Bond...
I've folded things, made a call or two.
What else?
I cooked, served, cleaned up three meals, countless snacks.
Got the mail, but yea, I didn't open it so it doesn't count.
I put my hair up in a bun on top of my head, that can be work. And I am wearing attractive underwear.
OH and I took the dogs to the Vet which is highly stressful.
The bigger one was not kind. He was semi evil even and I'm grateful that the Vet Tech was likely a lesbian for she took pity on me and let the nip he gave her pass without incident. Not that theres anything wrong with it. (pssst Lesbian not the nip)
I feel at times like a day goes by and I waste it with my not so noticeable chores.
Then evening comes and my kids are outside on this little street, playing wildly, happily laughing with boys and girls of all ages and heights. Kids today seem taller.
I take in the trash can, water my neighbors tomatoes, try to look and then of course feel useful.
I hear that my son is tied up in a garage down the block and so I look in to make sure that he's comfortable in his confinement. He smiles. No rope round his neck and we're all good in the hood, literally.
I go inside the house, feel the quietness of the kitchen. Strawberries in a bowl. Paper cut into strands on the table. Scissors haphazardly splayed open, waiting for anyone to brush by, slice a gut or two, maybe not.
Restless and fitful.
Orange-y-ness at the rear of the place alerts me to our sun setting. Open all the curtains, pull up blinds of any kind, windows too. I watch as it goes down for the day and suddenly whatever I did is enough and then some.
I'm more then Mom.
Basking in the glow.
I curse at the dog. Push my pointed finger to his snout as he lays weary and sad, post vaccination, depleted from the pet clinic hype of our day; I say, "I love you, but don't you bite ladies anymore ever Shi_head" and I karate chop the air.
How you like me now?!!!!
I thought so.
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