And into each life a little rain must fall...
though lately it seems to be falling like a river
strong, steady, constantly flowing
News, bad news, doesn't always travel fast.
I took more then a day to tell my folks and most of my friends that my beloved pup Daisy is gone
It is the sad end of the longest and most successful relationship I've ever had.
Day in, day out
she was more often then not, wherever I was
the beach, the car, the mountains, the bed, the park, the bathroom floor, the couch and even just the other day right there in the horse stable with me, happy and absolutely unintimidated.
She's been smack dab in the middle of my life
for the past sixteen and a half interesting years
tail forever wagging
Spirited, intuitive, smart as a whip
sweet, kinda smelly, loyal, devoted, brave little bitch and I mean that with all the love in my heart.
Never more brave then when I brought home a hundred pound rescue who tried all our patience and whom would not exist today if not for the better half of him, if not for my Daisy.
He waltzed into our house and into our quiet life and dropped his big dog chocolate into her smooth peanut butter existence and sort of just like that, they harmonized and coexisted peacefully for the most part and when not peacefully, humorously for sure.
They were the oddest, odd couple.
She alfa, all 16 pounds of her and he knew it.
She was the love of his life and she was certainly one of the great loves of mine.
Witness to my entire marriage, birth of my two kids, my long and winding divorce, our relocation and all the rest of it...
We people who have dogs blessing our lives may never ever realize how exposed, open and real we are with another living, breathing being, until that being is no more.
No one knows me like she did
no one knows how bad I am
not how good
not how tired
not how happy
how lazy
how hyper
how funny
how retarded
how brilliant
how lonely
how blessed
how anything I was, am, might someday be -
because she saw all of me, really and truly, the me who is me
and she loved me anyhow ...
I know she loved me.
I know she loved me because every time she saw me, her adorable daisy of a tail wagged...
I held her wrapped in my arms, close to my heart, as she left me yesterday morning.
It was one of the most precious moments in a life of precious moments.
It was an honor to hold and kiss her as she disappeared.
Today, I'm profoundly aware of her absence and I'm afraid only slightly aware of my loss.
When I hiked my big dog today hoping to exhaust him so that he might not need the valium and prozac the Vet prescribed for my oversized, overly distraught Daisy lover, every few moments I looked for her.
Up in the tall green grass, walking way up high, under the blue sky, with the breeze blowing my hair across my eyes, my heart pumping warm blood from my head to my toes, the air full of moist earth and wild flowers - over and over, I looked for her. Over and over, I was painfully reminded that she wasn't with me anymore.
She wasn't in the tall grass rolling in some dead bunny
she wasn't eating a decaying Cliff Bar discarded haphazardly by some careless hiker
she wasn't being scarfed down by a bandit coyote just off behind the scrub brush
She was just not there -
and I wanted her to be
Are we ever ready to say goodbye to one who never hurts us?
who loves us unconditionally?
who trusts us?
who forgives us?
who has no preconceived expectations of us?
Into each life a little rain must fall
and into mine a little Daisy...
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