Monday, October 14, 2013

the while

It's been a while since I watched a film, beginning to end, in the middle of the day.   The word decadent comes to mind.

It's been a while since a friend came to my door early, unannounced, without a preemptive text -  then promptly sat on my bed chatting to me as I picked out something somewhat amazing to wear.

It'd been a while since I felt steel bars in the palm of my hand as I swung rung to rung cross the monkey bars in the school yard.  I vaguely recall opening my tightly clenched hands and truly letting go...

It'd been a while since I experienced the simple thrill finding a secret path to walk on brings.

It's been a while since I felt like my good old self again and it's been longer still since I'd called my old self good.

Every time I'm patient, every time I resist or hold on or hold out or hold still just to let go, I'm grateful.  

I only regret the things I do and rarely what I don't do, because most often what I don't do is only not done because I already did something, something other then let go.

We love who we love and love who we do for a reason and we don't who we don't... and there, there is everything we need know.

It's been a while since I landed on my own two feet.
It's been a while since I realized those feet are awfully good at landing.

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