Thursday, March 7, 2013

whats so great about amazing?

Peas in a pod...
 A good fit.  It was easy to see and I realized how rare that is.
Effortlessness is not to be taken lightly.
When we work hard to make something happen, maybe we appreciate that something we worked for.   Yes, thats true in many cases, it sure is... But what about the things that require not so much effort and they just are plain old wonderful?
What about them?

"What's so great about William?" I said, with sarcasm oozing, sarcasm just falling from my mouth, sarcasm galore...
Because anyone could see what was so great about this little boy.  It was funny to us.  We all giggled.
For example: He's nine and he knows he wants to be a math teacher when he grows up.
He has style.   He has panoche.  He was literally born "together" and my smart son simply cherishes him as a friend and that is a rare thing, but an easy thing too.  

 "What is so great about William", I say again knowing full well that everything about this friend who comes to play is totally great... but I'm onto something and I go with it...  - "what is so great about our girl here?"  I hug my daughter and I list her fine qualities with mock disdain, as if I am sick to death of their presence.  " Who cares about chocolate colored eyes, silky hair.  Whats so great about that?"   "And what about being tall and running super fast and being a fabulous painter?"   She blushes.  We laugh.   "What the heck is so all fired fantastic about that?"  "Someone please explain to me, what is truly all that neat about a little boy who does his homework when he's asked to and who says I love you to his mom like alllll the time.  HUH?  A boy who smiles every single, darn day and a dog who is dying to go for a walk with you?"  For myself I say... " Who the F--- needs parents who love you and a roof over your  head?   Who cares about this refrigerator full of delicious food?  What am I to do with two legs that walk and a car that runs and a headache of a weekend house thats waiting for me with snow to play in?   Who needs all these brothers and sisters to call?   Who wants to balance that check book.  Who wants to go out to fridging dinner on a weeknight  of all things with their girlfriends, who call and who continue to stay in touch,  who apparently live to make you laugh?   Who the hell needs these options?  HUH?!!!!  Who wants all this air and water hanging around their God forsaken planet?   And those damn stars in the sky?   Who admires those?"

What about those people, who you push away and who manage to find a way to love you no matter what?  Who the hell do they think they are?  How dare they?

Whats so funny about this beautiful life full of stress and joy and up and down and good and bad and in and out and happy and unhappy and happy again?

and who the hell wants any of that yin without the yang?

Life is so awfully wonderful and love is beautifully hard, especially when it comes effortlessly and goes on forever.

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