I feel it.
It impedes me.
There are people in my life whom I love without limits and there are limits in my life who are people I love.
If I were to tell the truth, there isn't anyone who has furthered my current existence more then my father has.
Do I love him?
Yea, I do.
Does he know it?
Yes, he does.
Does he know how much?
I'm not sure that even I do and so, who can say what he knows and what is yet to be known.
No matter how old I get, I never seem to outgrow the inclination for my parents adoration, my need for it.
In this life, someone, some person has to know when to say when and sometimes saying "when" means you get loved less, but not really.
I have no idea how deep it goes when it comes to how I feel about my parents.
I only know that with each passing year,
they become more dear
My daughter asked me today what I want to be for Halloween.
A Mom, I thought, but then I went a little further -
I'd like to be Wonder Woman and with my golden lasso I'd circle up all the people I love best; starting with Hayl and J, Soot n Buck, Marvin n Jack, Mom, Daddy, Daiser and on a good day my Taters, you and her and him, them and then there is me...
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