This song would play inside my head when I watched her with him, every single time.
"I had nightmares last night" she said to me as I woke her for school this morning. "This is going to be a bad day".
"No it'll be a good day", I promised her, but she was right.
The big black horse unexpectedly, suddenly, so shockingly died last night and her nightmare, is that a coincidence?
Just like who you love and who you're born to and who you don't love and what you die from; all these coincidences and other non-accidents...
The regal king of the stable is gone. Such Agony.
They say if you give a man a fish he eats for a day, but teach him to fish and he feeds for life.
The same is true of girls and horses.
A pony ride makes a girl happy for an hour but teaching her to ride, how to handle a horse, it changes her life and it has, it's changed hers and everything that changes hers changes mine.
The horses opened my daughter up and filled her up and lifted her up and non more so then the big black horse.
And when she cried tonight she cried about death and loss and pain and what ifs and whys and what fors... And even then she learned more about life from riding then I could have ever imagined... And it changed her and she changes me.
And how we loved that big black horse and we always will, but now he's not a horse beneath a tree, he's a constellation above us, in a sky full of stars.
RIP Tale
November 2nd, 2014
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