Blog 2 : I chose my title today rather effortlessly, which I realize is the way I have lived my life; without a whole bunch of effort put into anything in particular. I seem to be lucky and I know it. Good luck has certainly helped me get to where I am today, which isn't exactly an achievement to brag about in many people's eyes, but in my own, which are the eyes that count most of all, I am successful. I am content, I am healthy, I am a work in progress as opposed to a work in deconstruction. I am grateful, fulfilled and in love - in love with myself, which is perhaps my greatest accomplishment. Why doesn't everyone love themselves when the benefits of doing just that are the most rewarding of all things rewarding? Besides, if you don't love yourself, you can't love someone else and if you can't love someone else, no one can really love you. My advice, make yourself happy. Make yourself content. Be someone you'll like, behave, be good, be nice, be strong. Treat yourself well, take care of YOU. If you are at all lucky, you'll fall a little in love with yourself. You'll find that it's contagious, this "loving yourself business" and the domino effect will probably happen. Life won't suck and when it does, you'll have yourself to turn to, you know that person you love, who loves you just as you are. I'm talking about you. Actually I'm talking about me.
My life is ordinary, but everyday something pops up to make it extraordinary. I'm not sure if it's my good luck to have these events popping up or if it's my good fortune to simply be aware enough to notice them. It's kinda like a chicken/egg thing. What came first, interesting events or the ability to view ordinary life and find the interesting parts within. Whatever the answer, if indeed there is an answer, I don't care. I'm in love, in love with myself and a few hundred other people. The world is a mess, but to me it's still extraordinarily beautiful and I'm lucky to be a part of it all and so are you...
Love it!! A New Year's resolution for me.